Getting Started as a Shopee Seller
There are few tasks as simple as being a Shopee Seller Malaysia; whether or not you need detailed documentation depends on the kind of store you are opening. Are you an individual seller or an already established business looking to expand your sales online? In either case, you need some documentation.
Individual Shopee Seller

So if you are a lone wolf trying to make a store on Shopee seller center as an individual, then good news. Shopee only requires your basic information to register and start selling. All you need to get started is
Identity card - To verify your official seller status and start listing products, individual sellers must upload a copy of a valid government-issued ID which may include TIN, Driver’s License, SSS ID, or Passport.
A valid e-mail address (1 unique address per account)
Your address (home or work/warehouse)
Valid bank account information - To ensure you get your payouts as smoothly and efficiently as possible, fill out the Bank Account portion of your profile. Remember: your account name must match the name indicated on the government-issued ID.
Established business

As an already verified business, the requirements and documentation needed to be a Shopee Seller Malaysia are slightly more than individual sellers. The first step is to register for a seller account.
Enter your basic information in Shopee seller center and proceed to the seller information page, where you must select the registered business option. Do note that you need to have your business registration number ready.
The next page will have you enter your shop information- Shop name, phone number, Pick-up address and email address.
The next page is all about shipping, and it is necessary to have at least one shipping channel activated for your store. Standard shipping is the default setting, so visit the shipping settings page if you wish to make more changes.
As a registered Shopee seller, you must establish a strong presence and store identity. So, upload high-resolution images for your storefront, cover page image, and products. Anything with a visual element to it must be of quality.
If it isn't precisely evident to buyers what your shop is peddling, they will go to your shop description for a synopsis to understand better.

The above information should be enough to get you started and selling. If you still need help ranking up and improving sales and customer experiences through Shopee seller center then reach out to us, and we will help you take that Leap forward!
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